25 ian. 2009

Commonplace Drama

Parade of our intellects
The clear justification of what it affects
The judgemental ideas and their effects
Unpredictable consequence and what it reflects
are ominous.

Hide from their triviality
Cover yourself with my apathy
Ignore the outlined skeletons
Refuse the analysis of my actions
and root yourself.

Resist the pressure of ignorance
Decline the contextual brilliance
Of two personalities collision
For we are not chosen
in this commonplace drama.

The chaos we have created
The concience overburdened
The small pieces shrouded
Should make them feel amazing
because they were right.

We are standard actors
Lost in transition
And as they beg for reason
I break the laws of silence
with my stubborn resistance.

The immortalized moments of closure
The sour taste of commitment
The challenging absence certify
My dissaproved indecision
with extenuating circumstances.